1.Hospital Admission Assist (HAA) Card For approved panel of hospitals – convenient claims.
2.Comprehensive Coverage
This coverage provides for necessary treatment based on reasonable and customary charges at the locality where treatment is received.
3.Renewal Up to Age 70
This certificate is renewable at the option of the participant. Takaful IKHLAS will not refuse renewal or impose new exclusions during renewal. However, the product may be withdrawn from the market in accordance with the Portfolio Withdrawal Condition.
4.Portfolio Pricing of Contribution
The contribution is not guaranteed. However, increase in contribution will be on a portfolio basis and must be approved by Bank Negara Malaysia. This means, that a person who has claimed on the Certificate will not be singled out to pay more contribution than others.
5.No Per Disability Limit
Other than the overall annual limit and lifetime limit, there is no limit on the amount that can be claimed for a particular disability.
6.Unisex Premium Rates
Contributions are age-banded but there is no distinction between male and female contribution rates.
7.Contribution Enforced
The contribution enforced is based on the age of next birthday and is made annually at the rate applicable during renewal. The contribution published in the brochure is for standard life on and contribution loading may be charged to non-standard life. Contribution is not guaranteed and may be subject to change.
8.Easy Application
Application is simple! Everyone from the age of 19 to 60 years may apply for this plan. The certificate may be extended to the participant’s children between the ages of 30 days and 19 years (up to 23 years if full-time student).